I just had a vaginal breech birth with my second (he was an undiagnosed breech but I had had my suspicions all through my pregnancy that were dismissed by my midwife).
10/10 would recommend The Birth Programme!
Honestly in the moment, pushing is pushing and the birthing mother won’t actually be thinking about it! A very odd sensation I have to admit feeling a “drop “ when the shoulders are out but the head is yet to come 😂 other than that, it doesn’t feel much different. I am so glad I chose to breech vaginally instead of c-section ❤️.
We needed to stay in the hospital for a few days as my little one had inhaled a lot of meconium (this is really common with breech babies as their poor bottoms take all the pressure on the way out - it essentially squeezes it out of them 😂) but still was a very straightforward recovery. He was 8lb 13oz as well, so again the myth around a breech birth being 1)impossible 2)more impossible with a big baby is just that - a myth! ❤️ x